Wednesday, April 21, 2004
The last couple of weeks I haven't had any 'severe' pain until today. This morning I drove to work and got out of my car and opened the back door to get my tote bag out of the back seat and when I bent over just a little to get it I had a EXTREMELY painful ache in my mid back that felt like a nerve was being pinched hard. I took 2 tramadol and it eased it for a while. Then a couple of hours later I was sitting and I bent over just a little to tie my shoe and again had a EXTREMELY painful ache. I left work an hour early and went home and took 2 more tramadol and put the electrical stimulator on my mid and lower back where the pain is and seems to be helping a little.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Yesterday I have received the electrical stimulator thing for my back through Dr. Peer. I've used it last night and this morning so far, so I'll have to see how my back is today with it.

Sunday, April 11, 2004
Well, this last week went ok, better than a couple of weeks ago. I still had pain, but I didn't have any severe pain like a couple of weeks ago. I've been taking two tramodos and Ibuprofen, as well as using biofreeze on my back in the morning. Hopefully this is a good start.

Monday, April 05, 2004
This weekend I pretty much just rested and my back was ok, still hurts but the severe pain was not there. The same for today, I started to get severe pain this morning but I took two pills and it went away for most of the day.

Friday, April 02, 2004
Yesterday was very painful, I had to come home from work and just lay down my back was hurting so bad. I call the Pain management Dr. and he is prescribing more tramadol and also Motrim and he will set me up with a electric stiminalator for my back. Today was painful but not like yesterday around evening time I took 2 tramadol, as recommended by the pain management Dr. yesterday, and that has help so far. Hopefully this weekend will be ok.

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